Sufix Advance H-PE Mono

Sufix Advance H-PE Mono

$24.99 inc. gst

  • Sufix Advance H-PE Monofilament Features:
    • Unlike other abrasion resistant lines, Sufix Advance is very supple and sensitive, allowing subtle and precision presentations
    • With only half the stretch of a standard monofilament line, Sufix Advance offers exceptional lure control, ultimate bite detection and firm hook setting power
    • Thanks to the line’s inherent qulaities and the Sufix G2 Precision Winding, Sufix Advance is virtually memory free, extremely easy handling and long casting
    • G2 Precision Winding in all spool sizes
    • Clear
    • 300m spools
    • Avaialble –
  • 18.1kg 40lb   0.45mm
  • 9.6kg   21lb   0.33mm
  • 8.2kg   18lb   0.30mm
  • 6.1kg   13lb   0.25mm